I ordered a burger with fig jam and goat cheese on a sourdough bun with sweet potato fries and it was amazing. But not gluten free. I noticed that the menu had a note at the back that allergy information could be provided, so I checked their website when we got home. Unfortunately, I found the following:
Leider können wir eine Vermischung von Zutaten in unserer Küche nicht zu 100% ausschließen.
Spuren von Gluten, Ei, Erdnuss, Soja, Milch, Schalenfrüchten, Sellerie, Senf, Sesam und Sulfiten
können somit in allen Produkten enthalten sein.
[Unfortunately, we can not exclude a mixture of ingredients in our kitchen to 100%. Traces of gluten, egg, peanut, soy, milk, peel, celery, mustard, sesame and sulphites can be contained in all products.]
However, a menu is also available online for download which notates exactly which items have which allergens in the ingredients. Of course, depending on production method, gluten-free menu items could still be cross contaminated, and even so, there were only a few items that did not contain gluten in the ingredients. These included a side salad, sauerkraut, and the fries (both sweet potato and white potato). The fries would need to be questioned as to the oil's contamination as well.
If you're interested, the allergen-notated menu is here. I greatly appreciate that they have published this information and find it has been helpful. Much thanks to Hans im Gluck for their consideration!
[Unfortunately, we can not exclude a mixture of ingredients in our kitchen to 100%. Traces of gluten, egg, peanut, soy, milk, peel, celery, mustard, sesame and sulphites can be contained in all products.]
However, a menu is also available online for download which notates exactly which items have which allergens in the ingredients. Of course, depending on production method, gluten-free menu items could still be cross contaminated, and even so, there were only a few items that did not contain gluten in the ingredients. These included a side salad, sauerkraut, and the fries (both sweet potato and white potato). The fries would need to be questioned as to the oil's contamination as well.
If you're interested, the allergen-notated menu is here. I greatly appreciate that they have published this information and find it has been helpful. Much thanks to Hans im Gluck for their consideration!
Oh now I have something I want to try! Fig jam on a burger with goat cheese! I would have never thought to add fig jam. Can you find gluten free buns at the grocery so you could make these at home for B?