Sunday, September 10, 2017

Young Wine & Rainy Days

Yesterday was a downer of a day.  It rained. And rained. There was disobedience (a lot). And bad attitudes on the part of all three of us.

It was day 6 of Matthew's trip, which had closely followed another 5-6 day trip.  We had to run several errands (because it was Saturday and all stores would be closed on Sunday).  I would wait until the sun came out, call the boys to put on their shoes & jackets, and after leaving the house, it would start raining again.

Cue the disobedience during a rare sunny moment (why does the ground not look wet??? 
It rained all day! Maybe there was just a cloud over our house?).

We finished our errands (in the rain).  I've always suspected but it is confirmed that I couldn't live in the Pacific Northwest because I just can't handle all the rain. And right now, coming off of the nice summer weather, it's really disheartening to think of how much rain we'll be getting.

Beethovenfest is going on right now and there are free outdoor concerts in Marktplatz, not far from our house, (in addition to the bigger, indoor, traditional concert venues). I really wanted to go yesterday, but...the rain. And the kids.  Fortunately, this morning has dawned beautiful and clear!  Hallelujah! I think we'll try to go today.

One upside to yesterday, however, was trying something new.  While trying to wait out the rain, I read this article: Here's a German culinary treat you can only enjoy over the next two months.  I realized that yes, in fact, I had seen a few bottles added to the refrigerated cheese area at our neighborhood grocery store, but had never stopped to look at what they were. Since we needed to go to the store anyway, I decided to pick some up.

Matthew got home last night before I went to bed, and we tried it last night.  It is SWEET!  It reminds me of a sweet (nonalcoholic) apple cider, like what you would buy in the U.S. in October, but that has been just sliiiiightly fermented (as if by accident) and is a little fizzy.  It was way too sweet for us but would be fantastic paired with a zweibelkuchen (onion tart) as the article says.  Now to find one of those to complete the pairing.

Neither of us were able to finish our glass (too sweet!) but we both agreed we enjoyed trying it.

We live in a wine region and the months of September-October are full of wine festivals throughout our area. Thus the Federweisser. We just missed this last year, and I've heard so many great things.  The festivals sound absolutely magical and beautiful (vineyards on hillsides, night harvests, parades through quaint towns, and there might even be a "wine fountain"???). Between birthday parties and back-to-school and trips (both fun & Matthew's job), we haven't made it to one yet. Hopefully soon!!  And hopefully we can also find some onion tarts!!  I'm imagining a great weekly activity...hunting for wine fountains and zweibelkuchen!

One other interesting picture from yesterday...I saw this at the store yesterday for the first time. Apparently it's similar to broccoli, but pointy like little Christmas trees.  Has anyone tried it?  I'm going to need to get some & figure out what to do with it.


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